Condition to execute GesDocumentGenerator


Can i set condition to execute GesDocumentGenerator? I have proces when i use 13 GesDocumentGenerator on the last page, but i in most cases I don’t need all of them, just selected ones.To optimize the memory usage of applications, I would like to set a condition when they should have content, because I already know this before reaching the last page of this application. is it possible?

The visibility condition can only be set for GesDocumentList, but documents can be displayed using this component, and GesDocumentGenerator will then only be used for saving in DMS.

Yes I know. But I need gesDocumentGenerator because it is the input to the service, I use, but I don’t always need all the inputs. I can add 10 clients on the form, but if I know that I have 3 clients, I would like to deactivate the remaining 7 gesDocumentGenerators so that they do not work unnecessarily, because they only delay the operation of the application.