I need to publish older version on env with administration access. How I can do this?
publishing an artifact
curl -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" --fail --user USER -X GET http(s)://SERVER:PORT/repository/publication/NAME/VERSION /DATE/publish && echo "OK"
USER - user login with permission to publish artifacts
SERVER - host address with the repository application
POR - host port with repository application
NAME - name of the artifact to be published
VERSION - version of the artifact to be published, possible values are 1.11, 1.*, *. in particular, * denotes the latest version available.
DATE - publication start date in the form of timestamp, recommended value: 1
for example:
curl -H
"Accept: application/xml"
"Content-Type: application/xml"
--fail --user amacierewicz -X GET http: